The art of problem solving

About the Company

PetroEngineering LLC specializes in implementation of rig-upgrading projects on a turnkey basis - from performance specification development to commissioning; sourcing domestically-produced and imported equipment, spare parts, tools and chemicals for the requirements of drilling companies; and providing full support for the equipment supplied, including installation supervision, commissioning, guarantee and post-guarantee service.

Founded in 2008, the company is now established as a reliable business partner, consistently providing high-quality materials and services to the most demanding level. Today PetroEngineering LLC services the needs of the foremost drilling, petroleum and gas companies in Russia. Our client base numbers industry giants such as Rosneft, Gazprom, LUKOIL, Gazpromneft, Eurasia Drilling Company and so on.

The Company operations cover almost all of Russia's gas- and oil-producing regions.

We are authorized dealers for drilling equipment produced by leading manufacturers, both in Russia and abroad - enabling us to deliver equipment meeting the full spectrum of our customers' price and quality demands.

PetroEngineering LLC is strictly guided in its activities by Russian law, complying with all legal requirements, and holding the complete range of necessary permits. Most notably, since 2010, the company has been a participant in a non-commercial partnership Union of construction companies comprising small and medium businesses, who are certified according to ISO 9001:2008 and OSHAS 18001:2007.
Our Mission
Our principle mission is the constant improvement of service quality - providing perfect compliance with the expectations and needs of our customers.

Our Goal
Stable growth, to achieve the leading position in the Russian market.
Основная цель Компании
Benefits of partnership
PetroEngineering LLC is a team of energetic and highly skilled professionals working specifically in the drilling business. The company employs science graduates from Russia's leading oil and gas university institutes – Including two post-doc professors and one doctor of philosophy. A further five staff members are preparing to complete their PhD thesis works. The company's managers and specialists have extensive field experience in Russian and major foreign oilfield companies.
The company employs over 100 people, most of whom are engineering and technical personnel. A number of our employees have academic degrees, some of them are highly respected in the scientific community.
PetroEngineering LLC is a team of energetic and highly qualified specialists, adherents of the drilling business. The company employs graduates of the leading oil and gas universities in Russia, two doctors of sciences, one candidate of sciences. Five employees are preparing to defend their dissertations. The managers and specialists of the company have experience of work in the largest Russian and foreign oilfield service companies.
Geography of Operations
PetroEngineering has branch offices located in Kogalym (Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area, Yugra), Usinsk (Komi Republic) and Perm, separate business units in the Ural-Volga region, Western and Eastern Siberia, its own research laboratory, as well a PDC bits manufacturing facility in Samara. It owns and operates several repair workshops for downhole hydraulic motors and its own DHM fleet. The company deploys over 150 engineering service support stations at gas and oil fields both in and outside Russia, catering to the operational needs of Rosneft, Gazprom Neft, LUKOIL, Zarubezhneft, Bashneft-Polus, Eurasia Drilling Company, Gazprom Drilling, RITEK, etc.
Company Presentation
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Executive Management Team
Alexey Gavrikov
Chief Executive Officer
Was born in 1982.

In 2007, he graduated with honors from the South-Russian State Technical University with a degree in Mining Machines and Equipment, Oil and Gas Machines and Equipment. Qualification "Mining engineer".

He began his career in August 2007 as a mechanic-repairman at Megion Drilling Operations Management LLC. Then, until 2010, he consistently worked in various positions at VFT Technologies LLC, Weatherford, and PetroAlliance LLC.

In February 2010, he joined PetroEngineering LLC as a leading drilling equipment engineer.

In February 2011, he was transferred to the position of Head of the Drilling Equipment Department of PetroEngineering LLC.

In March 2014, he was appointed Technical Director of PetroEngineering LLC.

Since November 2015 - General Director of PetroEngineering LLC.
Kurbatov Ali
Chief Accountant
Duguzhev Artur
Technical Director
Anna Burenkova
Chief Financial Officer
Tymoshenko Yulia
Logistics Director
Baratov Magomedrasul
Director of Legal Affairs
Kebedov Ruslan
Public Relations Director
Volkhin Alexander
Head of Complex Projects Department
Latypova Rimma
Head of HR Department
Babayants Karine
Head of administration
Zelenetskaya Kristina
Head of Documentation and Office Work Department
Smolnikov Ivan
Head of Logistics Department
Gaytukiev Islam
Head of Oilfield Equipment Department
Karmatsky Anton
Head of the department of heat engineering equipment
Nikulin Alexander
Head of the Power Equipment Department
Daria Mohova
Head of Development and Production of Oilfield Chemicals